Monday, September 13, 2004


The Relevance of Royalty in Good Governance

A monarchy consists a leader called a king or a queen. In which the person who is in charge to lead the people belongs to a royal family. It is basically a form of government characterized by one-man rule, which is also called a monarchia in Greek. The institution of chieftanship expressed the monarchical principle. Any sort of individual leadership among men partakes of the nature of monarchy, but one must distinguish in practice between the authority of the freely chosen leader whose ascendancy rests on his ability to express the consensus of the group, and the leader whose exercise of the power rests on custom, tradition, law, religious sanction, or some basis other than voluntary cooperation. Only the second kind of authority is monarchial, for the crucial distinction is that between personal dominance that is spontaneously accepted and the institutionalized arrangements, which permit individual exercise of authority irrespective of individual qualities. Thus one of the basic tests is whether or not the ruler must deserve his crown. Now, is having royalty in a system of government relevant in good governance?

Monarchy promotes dependency. The people are dependent to the monarch, which limits the free will of an individual. Whatever happens to the people, they have no right to extend their grievance to the government. They can suffer as much as what they are intended to but never they can question their status quo. The monarchs have their absolute freewill which exhilarate their motives to do wrong to their people. The people fight for their King/Queen even though they know that they get no benefits at all. The problem of the royalty results to a major problem of the state. The slaves are forced to work for their lords and get a minimal benefit from them. Generally speaking, the royalty controls the people and its State without democracy. Sometimes the monarchs tend to be so violent and harsh to their people just to get what they want. The monarchs also promote immorality. In order to keep their power and authority, they tend to get married with their relative. They look up to God as their superior but they practice immorality in their lives. So their sins punishes them later on.

The government that the monarchs have does not practice democracy to their people. The monarchs implement their decisions and make rules without consulting other law-making bodies or whatsoever. They also punish people without amnesty. They practice providence in a different way in which they will benefit from it not the poor ones.

Now, if this is how I define and describe monarchy and if this is how I state the relevance of royalty in governance, it will manifest bad governance to the State. But monarchy also develops good points for some reasons.

Monarchs see God as their superior so they also practice good values. I see monarchs as a set of people who practices loyalty within their family. They utilize fidelity as well, in which they tend to be so selfish to others just to preserve their merits. Monarchy is a simple way of governing people. It can run without any complication. The decision-making is easy and making rules as well. The conflict is not augmented and it also lessens competitions. The royal family is basically good and they want bliss to their people as well. They just can’t see the real picture the same way as how the people see it. So they tend to have a minimized way of governing their State. But I also see the King/Queen as a very good thinker. They think for their people without the opinions and critics of the others. They decide for the sake of his people and even manage to succeed. The King/Queen are born to be a leader and does not mind if he/she really deserves the crown. They govern as how their parents governed. The King/Queen think as how he/she was brought up to think.

It really doesn’t matter if the government is monarchy or not. The person who is placed to lead the government must be sincere to his people. If the one-man ruler of the monarch government is sincere to his people and has a pure intention of bringing success to his land then it will result to good governance. A government has its strengths and weaknesses and it doesn’t necessarily mean that it won’t result to good governance.

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